Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Added new info and blah

So, I stole a feature from a fellow Crohn's blogger (Brightside, I hope you don't mind), and added a stats tidbit.

I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow for a check up to see how the entocort is working out. I've been on it for 4 weeks, and I don't really feel any differently now than I did after having been on it for 2 weeks. That, pair with the cost of it, is making me consider not completing the last 2 weeks and seeing how I do on just the Pentasa. Then, if I start to worsen or still haven't improved, doing a course of prednisone, as much as I don't like the idea of it.

In other news, I saw my nutritionist today, and we set another goal. Well, a couple, really. By the next time I see her, I am to be on a multi vitamin, and a good calcium supplement. She also wants me to continue bulk cooking, when I do feel like cooking, that way I have my own convenience foods, and I don't resort to eating store-bought convenience foods that aren't good for me. She also wants me to pre-plan a couple of my meals each week, that way I have better control over what I eat.

My excitement over having gone up to 116 pounds has faded, as I've gone back done to about 110. Maybe it was water weight, as my cycle had been approaching. Anywho, I'm feeling a bit better from my last big flare (my halloween catastrophy), so that's my good news for today.

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